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Thursday, December 16, 2010

what a good ending!

after they got dumped down to the rubbish area and they almost got shot out in to space by air lock but the biger walles stoped it but walle is also half dead and they still have to sent the plant to the ship, the auto pilot robot locked the pilot in the room and sent a lot of police robots to stop eve from gething to the ship and put the plant down to the injector but the evil robot try to close it while walle trys to hold it, the ship is tilted everybody slided to lower side of the ship but eve trys to stop this by holding two chair frow hiting the people than the captain tilled the ship back and stoped the robot the ship safely got back to earth eve trys to save walle but when walle is alive he seems just like a normal robot trys to clean the earth till eve hold his hand he woke up from the dead they were all in earth they plant pizzas yay!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

wall eeeeeeeeeeeee

it is really good,   robots were fighting for the plant there is an order that tells the ship earth will never go back to the way before so the robot took the plant away back to earth but it didnt work, walle brout it back and they went up again after runing away from all the police but they got throw down to the rubbish tube...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


today we watched another 15 mins of wall e and walle care about eve soo much so he followed eve when she got take away and they arived the ship the ship that where humans were and they are all fat because robot do everthing for them and they just sit on a car, walle followed eve to the ship and found out the caputen was going to go back to earth

Monday, December 13, 2010

wall e

today we watched another 15 mins of wall e, its a funny movie and i really enjoys it and wall e trys to hold the other robots hand so he trys many ways and almost got him self killed 3 times but at the end when she was sad wall e made her feel better now they are friends and they were having fun!

Friday, December 10, 2010


this is my new blog and i watched a movie called "wall-E" we only watched 15 mins of it because our teacher stopped it. it was a good movie, good graphics too and now we have to write about this movie when we didnt even know whats going on in the movie.. but so far its about earth was full of rubbish and people ran away and leave the robot to clean it up.